
1,陈彦雄2,赵圆圆1,李 1,张 1*

1.甘肃农业大学食品科学与工程学院,甘肃兰州 730070

2.甘肃祁连葡萄酒业有限公司,甘肃张掖 734000

摘要:为提高利口葡萄酒的品质,研究4种原料不同配比对利口葡萄酒感官指标的影响。以模糊数学感官评价为指标,通过混料试验设计,获得最优利口葡萄酒原料配方。优化得到利口葡萄酒原料配方为:赛美蓉葡萄酒30.5%白玉霓白兰地27.8%赛美蓉葡萄汁29.1%贵人香冰酒12.6%(均为质量分数)。采用流变仪和顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱质谱联用技术(HS-SPME-GC-MS),对酒样进行分析。结果表明,在152535455565 ℃条件下,经最优配方配制的利口葡萄酒属于牛顿流体,其储能模量大于耗能模量;共检测出52种物质,总含量约237 769.12 μg/L,包括22种酯类、12种醇类、5种萜烯类、5种酸类、8种其他类物质(醛类、酮类、酚类);通过香气成分的气味活性值初步确定了主要香气成分有大马士酮、癸酸乙酯、己酸乙酯和辛酸乙酯。该研究结果可为进一步扩大利口葡萄酒的生产提供理论依据。


中图分类号:TS262.61   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202202-0052-0010

Optimization of Liqueur Wine Formula Based on Mixture Design and Fuzzy Mathematics Sensory Evaluation

WANG Peng1, CHEN Yanxiong2, ZHAO Yuanyuan1, LI Wen1, ZHANG Zhen1*

1.College of Food Science and Engineering, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China;

2.Gansu Qilian grape wine industry Co., Ltd., Zhangye Gansu 734000, China

AbstractThe quality of liqueur wine was improved based on effects of different ratios of raw materials on sensory evaluation indexes of the wine. The optimal formula of producing liqueur wine was obtained through the mixture design with quantified fuzzy mathematics sensory evaluation as response values. The optimal formula was as follows: Sémillon wine 30.5%, Ugni Blanc brandy 27.8%, Sémillon grape juice 29.1%, and Italian Riesling Ice wine 12.6%. Analyze of liqueur wine through the rheometer and the head-space solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS- SPME-GC-MS). Overall, under the conditions of 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 ℃, the liqueur wine prepared by the optimal formula is a Newtonian fluid, and its storage modulus is greater than the energy consumption modulus and a total of 52 volatile compounds were identified and quantified to account for 237 769.12 g/L, which included 22 esters, 12 alcohols, 5 terpenes, 5 acids, 8 aldehydes, ketones, and phenols. Based on odor activity values, β-damascenone, ethyl caprate, ethyl hexanoate, and ethyl caprylate were identified as the major aroma components in liqueur wine. The results of this study can provide references for further production expansion and promote the development of wine industries.

Keywordsliqueur wine; mixture design; fuzzy mathematical sensory evaluation; rheological properties; volatile components











  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247